Hey gang! This Monday brings a very special episode. Our first ever listener requested debate. Past and future guest Jim asked to come onto the show to debate Harrison’s list of favorite Marvel Movies, and let me tell you, the sparks fly! Feelings were hurt and friendships were forever damaged. Sort of. Anyway, it’s pretty funny at times, and...

The post Episode 43 – Mega Marvel Movie Mediation or whatever appeared first on Doom Thugs.



Hey gang! This Monday brings a very special episode. Our first ever listener requested debate. Past and future guest Jim asked to come onto the show to debate Harrison’s list of favorite Marvel Movies, and let me tell you, the sparks fly! Feelings were hurt and friendships were forever damaged. Sort of. Anyway, it’s pretty funny at times, and a total trainwreck at others. Enjoy it!

Here’s Harrison’s original Twitter post that spawned this episode.

My Marvel movie rankings so far (b/c everyone was dying to know [not true]). P.S. Those gaps are there for a reason. pic.twitter.com/PDYybhsBv1

— Harrison Flatau (@drawesome86) May 27, 2015

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The Doom Thugs podcast is recorded and produced in Delco.

The post Episode 43 – Mega Marvel Movie Mediation or whatever appeared first on Doom Thugs.

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