Hello gang. Monday again, eh? You know that I’m talking about! Let’s lock arms and attack Monday’s throat and emerge victorious and tall and physically fit! Adam comes to the show this week and we have a good time, for a long time. A very long time. It was very fun and I did not want to stop having a...

The post Episode 131 – Check the Hole appeared first on Doom Thugs.

Hello gang. Monday again, eh? You know that I’m talking about! Let’s lock arms and attack Monday’s throat and emerge victorious and tall and physically fit! Adam comes to the show this week and we have a good time, for a long time. A very long time. It was very fun and I did not want to stop having a fun time with my pals. Have a great week gang. Try to grab a sandwich with a friend and have a laugh. Think about something fun. Enjoy a hobby such as a yo yo trick or collecting stamps or old gum. Love ya!

Harrison’s 2017 backlog website



The post Episode 131 – Check the Hole appeared first on Doom Thugs.