Previous Episode: 11. SECURITY CULTURE w/ Pine
Next Episode: 14. DOOM AND BURNOUT

Spoopy season is upon us.
The sun's light is pale and distant, and the nights grow longer and colder.
The hippie vampires are among us, hidden in plain view; eating kale and putting runic trinkets in their foul dreads. Their tumblrs fill up with "artful" interpretations of swastikas, and they make fast allies with nazi and white liberal alike. They shroud themselves in thick cloaks of ambiguity, half-truths and half-meanings. They speak of ancestral blood magick, the earth, and how only "they" can heal it. Their runes invoke Odin, the Black Sun, and they pray to their perverted pagan idols to give them the power to "deliver" this world from degeneracy - to make it "pure" again.
These are the crypto-fascists. They stand among us, at metal shows, wearing symbols and runes on their denim jackets that look like writhing masses of swastikas, trying to explain the Buddhist origin of the swastika, always claiming to be exactly the opposite of what they really are: Nazi. Scum.
On this, our 13th episode, professors/professional vampire hunters Diego and RRRR discuss this foul scourge that has befall the land, it's origins, and give a first hand account of our frightening encounter as we attempted to disrupt a meeting of their crypto-fascist coven.
Stay safe out there this season.


(the zine mentioned in the episode hasn't dropped yet, but here's another older analysis that talks about the same issues):



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