Ok, so the title is a bit cheeky, but Donovan decided to record something a bit on the lighter side.  First and foremost on his mind — the incorrect use of the word “more”.  He follows up with 12 words that many of us use incorrectly.



Are You Saying These 12 Words Wrong, Like Most People?

George Carlin ” Flammable “

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The post Episode 47: Words Matter? appeared first on GPPN.


Ok, so the title is a bit cheeky, but Donovan decided to record something a bit on the lighter side.  First and foremost on his mind — the incorrect use of the word “more”.  He follows up with 12 words that many of us use incorrectly.



Are You Saying These 12 Words Wrong, Like Most People?

George Carlin ” Flammable “

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The post Episode 47: Words Matter? appeared first on GPPN.

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