Join Caroline Wilson and Corrie Perkin for Ep 58. Caro’s back, so there’s plenty to talk about including highlights from her Queenstown visit and a coastal road trip.  

Corrie’s in ‘fashion critic’ mode after another Royal Wedding (where was Camilla?) and Caro touches on some of the biggest stories from an epic couple of weeks of the AFL Trade Period.

Corrie’s ‘Crush of the Week’ for The Interchange Bench is Barbra Streisand whose new protest song takes a strong swipe at Donald Trump. Check out the video for "Don't Lie For Me' HERE. 

Our "Crush of the Week" is thanks to The Interchange Bench - recruit the best staff with The Interchange Bench. Call 1800 i BENCH to get in touch with them today or check out their website HERE.   We're also holding a special fundraising 'Live Podcast Lunch' event in conjunction with The Interchange Bench on November 28th - save the date and stay tuned for more details. 

In ‘BSF’ Caro and Corrie have been reading “Remarkable” by Mindy Williams (you can buy the book HERE). Corrie’s been watching “Cruising With Jane McDonald” on SBS (details HERE) and Caro shares her daughter Clem’s simple but stunning recipe for “Beetroot Cured Salmon” (see recipe below).

Corrie’s grumpy about President Trump’s habit of holding press conferences in front of a whirring helicopter plus Caro has a great ‘GLT’ to help you take the perfect holiday.

We've got a new Instagram account (after Corrie lost the login for the 'Caro and Corrie' one) so please head to instagram and follow DontShootPod.

Like our Facebook page and hit 'Sign Up' to receive weekly updates HERE. 

Email the show via [email protected]


'Don't Shoot The Messenger' is produced, engineered and edited by Jane Nield for Crocmedia. 


Beetroot-cured Ocean Trout or Salmon

250 g each of raw caster sugar and rock salt

2 beetroot, coarsely grated

1/2 cup each of coarsely chopped fennel tops and dill

Finely grated rinf of 1 lemon

50ml of gin

1 side of ocean trout (1.2kg) skin-off, pin-boned


Combine all ingredients, except trout, in a bowl. Spread half the mixture in the base of a non-reactive container large enough to fin the trout snugly, place trout on top and spread remaining mixture over. Cover and refrigerate overnight to cure. Remove trout from cure, brush off any remaining mixture and pat dry with paper towels. 

Slice thinly and seve with creme fraiche and crackers or thinly sliced pumpernickle bread.