Join Caroline Wilson and Corrie Perkin for Part Two of our Live Christmas Show. 

We were raising funds at our event for The Salvos Drought Relief programs. They work alongside of other rural support agencies, participate in community engagement activities and conduct regular visits to farmers and rural workers in need of practical assistance, or simply a listening ear and a hand of friendship. Our donation will go towards emergency financial assistance e.g. help with bills, vouchers for farming supplies, help in the delivery of donated goods and food hampers and much more.

If you would like to make a contribution via our fundraising page HERE. 

Thanks to Select Harvests, Cobram Estate, Humphrey Law Socks and Hardie Grant Books for donating wonderful prizes for our lucky door prizes. 



1.00 min Caro and Corrie welcome Anna Barry (aka Anna from the Op-Shop) and Julia Wilson (aka Caro’s Mum).

2.00 – What annoys us most about Christmas?

Anna, the busy mantra.

Julia – it was better in the 1940s

Caro – why the urgency to “catch up before Christmas”

Corrie – Black Friday, over-rated Ginger bread houses, tangled Christmas lights, competitive Christmas lunch catering stories.

6.20 – Heart-felt thanks from Corrie for all of the well wishes after her dog Bearsy’s death.

6.50 – ‘Crush of the Week’ Jacinda Adern. “She behaves like Australian’s should” says Julia of Jacinda. Caro looks back on some of her past crushes.

8.45 Book Screen and Food (BSF)

Corrie’s Top Ten Books of 2019


Manderley Forever by Tatiana de Rosnay
The Anarchy by William Dalrymple
The Salt Path by Raynor Winn
The Erratics by Vicki Laveau-Harvie


An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
There Was Still Love by Favel Parrett
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
Damascus by Christos Tsiolkas
The Offing by Benjamin Myers


On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong


11.00 ANNA’s Best Summer Read The Dutch House by Ann Patchett


12.20 JULIA’S Best Summer Read A Lady In Waiting by Anne Glenconnor (lady in waiting to Princess Margaret).


14.00 – CARO’s Book of the Year Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton.


15.30 – Caro’s Top Ten Films of 2019

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Never Look Away
The Marriage Story
The Irishman(on Netflix)
Official Secrets
The Final Quarter
The Good Liar
Blinded by the Light
After the Wedding


Netflix Recommendations 

Corrie’s Top 3

The Crown

Designated Survivor



18.30 Anna’s Netflix Pick

Unbelievable on 


21.00 Julia’s Recipe Recommendation is for Curried Rabbit in Grapefruit Cases by Dame Edna Everage.

23.00 Anna’s Recipe from Simple by Yottam Onttolenghi (See recipe at end) 

24.30 Anna’s Grumpy about the City of Melbourne’s poor Christmas decorations this year.

25.30  ‘6 Quick Questions’

Anna’s best Op-Shop find of the year, a Richmond FC vinyl single and The Sportsman’s Cookbook.

27.00 – Corrie’s tips for wrapping gifts well.

29.30 – Worst Christmas Moments.

33.00 – Julia’s GLT (good local tip). Go Local, stay local, buy local.

33.53 – Anna’s GLT – a case of Brown Brother’s Prosecco (perfect for spritzes).

37.00 Miss Jane (and Simon) sing The Podcast Song.


Hot Charred Cherry Tomatoes with Cold Yoghurt.

(From Yottam Ottolenghi’s Simple)


*350g cherry tomatoes
*3 tbsp olive oil
*¾ tsp cumin seeds
*½ tsp light brown sugar
*3 garlic cloves, finely sliced​
*3 thyme sprigs
*5g fresh oregano
*3 sprigs left whole and the rest picked, to serve
*1 lemon: finely shave the skin of ½ to get 3 strips and finely grate the other ½ to get 1 tsp zest
*350g extra thick Greek- style yoghurt (such as Total), fridge-cold
*1 tsp Urfa chilli flakes (or ½ tsp regular chilli flakes)
*flaked sea salt and black pepper


Preheat the oven to 200°C fan.
Place the tomatoes in a mixing bowl with the olive oil, cumin seeds, sugar, garlic, thyme, oregano sprigs, lemon strips, ½ teaspoon of flaked salt and a good grind of pepper. Mix to combine, then transfer to a baking tray just large enough to fit all the tomatoes together snugly.
Roast for 20 minutes, until the tomatoes are beginning to blister and the liquid is bubbling. Turn the oven to the grill setting and grill for 6–8 minutes, until the tomatoes start to blacken on top.
While the tomatoes are roasting, combine the yoghurt with the grated lemon zest and ¼ teaspoon of flaked salt. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.
Once the tomatoes are ready, spread the chilled yoghurt on a platter (with a lip) or in a wide, shallow bowl, creating a dip in it with the back of a spoon.
Spoon over the hot tomatoes, along with their juices, lemon skin, garlic and herbs, and finish with the picked oregano and chilli flakes. Serve at once, with some bread.

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'Don't Shoot The Messenger' is produced, engineered and edited by Jane Nield for Crocmedia.

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