This week it's all about conglomerates. How do these sedimentary trash cans form and how can we classify them?
Fun Paper Friday
Turns out it may be difficult to estimate parasite population in poop, but that didn't stop this team!
Krauth, Stefanie J., et al. "An in-depth analysis of a piece of s*@t: distribution of Schistosoma mansoni and hookworm eggs in human stool." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6.12 (2012): e1969. (
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This week it's all about conglomerates. How do these sedimentary trash cans form and how can we classify them?

Fun Paper Friday

Turns out it may be difficult to estimate parasite population in poop, but that didn't stop this team!
Krauth, Stefanie J., et al. "An in-depth analysis of a piece of s*@t: distribution of Schistosoma mansoni and hookworm eggs in human stool." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 6.12 (2012): e1969.

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[email protected]

John Leeman

Shannon Dulin


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