Weather balloons are one of the few ways to really get in-situ atmospheric measurements. John was over in Norman, OK working on a new balloon borne instrument. We talk about what all is involved in a launch!
Launch Video (
Fun Papery Friday
What do shark intestines have to do with the inventor of the AC motor? Find out!
Leigh, Samantha C., et al. "Shark spiral intestines may operate as Tesla valves." Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288.1955 (2021): 20211359. (
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Shannon Dulin
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Weather balloons are one of the few ways to really get in-situ atmospheric measurements. John was over in Norman, OK working on a new balloon borne instrument. We talk about what all is involved in a launch!

Launch Video

Fun Papery Friday

What do shark intestines have to do with the inventor of the AC motor? Find out!
Leigh, Samantha C., et al. "Shark spiral intestines may operate as Tesla valves." Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288.1955 (2021): 20211359.

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Support us on Patreon!
[email protected]

John Leeman

Shannon Dulin


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