Taking notes is an essential part of your job, no matter what you do. This week we discuss note taking strategies, supplies, and how we work. Also don’t miss out on a sticky #FunPaperFriday!

John’s Storm Time Lapse
Midichloria mitochonreii

Note Taking Systems

Don’t bother with highlighting, underlining, re-reading, etc. Those have been shown to be ineffective. (Dunlosky et al., 2013)
Bullet Journal
Cornell Method
Sketch Notes. There is a book and workbook by Mike Rohde available to help you learn.
Mind Mapping

Note Taking Tools
Digital vs. Analog

We can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each forever.
Digital is re-workable (like lasso and move in penultimate).
Paper is easier to write/shade/make more detailed and elegant notes
Digital can embed media
Paper doesn’t crash or run out of battery
Digital can be backed up against loss


Apps to write or type (omnioutliner for example)
Smart pens like the Neo smartpen or the Livescribe
Apps on laptops


Good notebooks include Moleskine, Field Notes, Rhodia, and Whitelines
Pen and pencil are important. John likes Palomino Blackwing 602 pencils and the Lamy Safari pen with Noodler’s ink.
There was an excellent episode of Technical Difficulties that discussed pens, paper, and how they preserve notes.
If you are into pens, there is also The Pen Addict Podcast

Fun Paper Friday

Did you know that the bug-on-windshield effect greatly impacts the fuel efficiency of an airliner? This week we read about some clever solutions to stop the waste of fuel and excessive, unnecessary carbon emissions.

Siochi, E. J., Smith, J. G., Wohl, C. J., Gardne, J. M., Penner, R. K., & Connell, J. W. Engineered Surfaces for Mitigation of Insect Residue Adhesion (pp. 1–15).

Contact us:

Show - www.dontpanicgeocast.com - @dontpanicgeo - [email protected]

John Leeman - www.johnrleeman.com - @geo_leeman

Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin

Taking notes is an essential part of your job, no matter what you do. This week we discuss note taking strategies, supplies, and how we work. Also don’t miss out on a sticky #FunPaperFriday!

John’s Storm Time Lapse
Midichloria mitochonreii

Note Taking Systems

Don’t bother with highlighting, underlining, re-reading, etc. Those have been shown to be ineffective. (Dunlosky et al., 2013)
Bullet Journal
Cornell Method
Sketch Notes. There is a book and workbook by Mike Rohde available to help you learn.
Mind Mapping

Note Taking Tools

Digital vs. Analog

We can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each forever.
Digital is re-workable (like lasso and move in penultimate).
Paper is easier to write/shade/make more detailed and elegant notes
Digital can embed media
Paper doesn’t crash or run out of battery
Digital can be backed up against loss


Apps to write or type (omnioutliner for example)
Smart pens like the Neo smartpen or the Livescribe
Apps on laptops


Good notebooks include Moleskine, Field Notes, Rhodia, and Whitelines
Pen and pencil are important. John likes Palomino Blackwing 602 pencils and the Lamy Safari pen with Noodler’s ink.
There was an excellent episode of Technical Difficulties that discussed pens, paper, and how they preserve notes.
If you are into pens, there is also The Pen Addict Podcast

Fun Paper Friday

Did you know that the bug-on-windshield effect greatly impacts the fuel efficiency of an airliner? This week we read about some clever solutions to stop the waste of fuel and excessive, unnecessary carbon emissions.

Siochi, E. J., Smith, J. G., Wohl, C. J., Gardne, J. M., Penner, R. K., & Connell, J. W. Engineered Surfaces for Mitigation of Insect Residue Adhesion (pp. 1–15).

Contact us:

Show - www.dontpanicgeocast.com - @dontpanicgeo - [email protected]

John Leeman - www.johnrleeman.com - @geo_leeman

Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin

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