Tonight we continue with our discussion from last week.  We’ll be going through the Word of God while giving you modern examples of how the image of God has been warped into something that doesn’t resemble his character. As Christians, are we living up to the standards that God/Jesus has put in front of us? Or has Satan’s agenda swept into our minds also? What is your world view? Is it from the Bible or a strange belief system? Has the culture determined how we relate to God? Or are we still bowing down to idols? Has the realm of entertainment clouded your mind with strange interpretations of Jesus? We’ll address these issues and more!

There’s also an image of God that we have in our heads that might not be who God really is. We must weigh everything: Our concepts, beliefs, and way of life up against the Word of God and our living King Jesus Christ. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. The Prince of Peace and Righteous Judge, which is coming back to rule and reign forever. He is Holy, He is Holy, He is Holy! 

Join Chris and Rory starting tonight at the new time 8pm EST as we delve into the Word of God and give you some interesting facts.