Let's hang out at the helm of Ink 19 and talk about the early day.  Ian Koss will tell us his story and give a sneak peek at his cassette tape collection.  We'll listen to East Your Paisley by The Dead Milkmen, pet a cat, and learn about the AFOL.  It will be a short but sweet visit and hopefully lead to more.  

Host: Adriaan Mol


Dead Milkmen (Eat Your Paisley/Restless CD ) KKSucks2, Two Feet Off The Ground, Beach Party Vietnam, Vince Lombardi Service Center (1986)

Dead Milkmen (Millersville Delivery/self released cassette) Bitchin' Camero (1983)---courtesy of blog Tapewrecks (http://tapewrecks.blogspot.com/2013/08/the-dead-milkmen-fictitious-years.html) way more available just check it out!