On a snowy morning in the East Pole, Holly Funday pushes a big red button that sends her elves into frenzy. Grudolph, their star Griffin, is missing. It's up to three elves in particular to find him, and save T.U.S.H.I.E (The Unspecified Special Holiday Intersectional Experience (TM)).

Winter Frost - Isabelle Cohen (@isabelleoninsta)
Elvis Presents - Steven Glyde (https://www.aucklandactors.co.nz/actors/details/steven-glyde) 
Elfie Elferson - Erin O’Flaherty (https://erinoflaherty9.wixsite.com/performerwriter)
GM - Azul Alysum (@DFYT_podcast)

Edited by Erin O’Flaherty and Azul Alysum

Theme Song

Composed by Michaela Cornelius (https://soundcloud.com/mikatte)
Vocals by Erin O'Flaherty, with additional lyrics by Erin O'Flaherty and Azul Alysum

Additional Music:

Holly in the Snow - Free SFX
Voices - Patrick Patrikios


FreeSound www.freesound.org
Free SFX https://freesfx.co.uk