Kristin Eppele, along with her husband, call the mountains of British Columbia home. At an early age, Kristin was experiencing issues with the food she ate. It affected her physical and mental state. Through education, she learned what foods worked for her. More specifically, whole, complete foods that aren't processed or sprayed with chemicals. Much of food her family eats is right from the backyard, or harvesting wild game. She is using her platform to educate and make people aware that they do not have to suffer with digestive and other diseases that have been brought on by the foods produced with factory farms and processed/packaged foods. Come listen to her journey. Enjoy! #dontbemediocre_podcast #holistichealing #wholefoods #holistic

Available on the Don't Be Mediocre YouTube Channel: Kristen Eppele

Instagram: @huntingholistic
