Don't Forget To Flush Podcast (Don't 4get 2Flush - D4G2F) is back from its Midseason break and starting back up with Obinna Obilo, author of “Memories of the Future” a relevant compilation of poems set in the midst of a global pandemic, released in September 2020.

Obinna is a Senior Vice President on Wall Street with a passion for mentorship, volunteerism and community engagement. To boot, he serves on the Board of the Nigerian Healthcare Foundation, a medical mission-focused NGO. This brilliant guest is the epitome of #BlackExcellence

Tune In to DFTF meet our guest and laugh along with us!

Don't Forget To Flush Podcast (Don't 4get 2Flush) (D4G2F) (DFTF)
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @dont4get2flush
Twitter: @dont4get2flushP
Facebook Page: Don’t 4get 2 Flush Podcast