Don't Forget To Flush Podcast (Don't 4get 2Flush - D4G2F) is back!! 

Season III is officially here! 

2020 was quite a year! Revealing, challenging and testing. 2021 has been doing its thing, but there are 3 big themes that have emerged; Politicizing of everything, Blackness a.k.a Melanin Poppin Power and Deep romantic relationship questions e.g. What Do Men Want? What do men mean when they say they want peace? 

Let’s catch up on everything and in between, on the first episode and let’s make this season epic!

Tune In and laugh along with us! Welcome to Season III!

Don't Forget To Flush Podcast (Don't 4get 2Flush) (D4G2F) (DFTF)

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @dont4get2flush

Twitter: @dont4get2flushP

Facebook Page: Don’t 4get 2 Flush Podcast