The Church tells us that as Catholic Parents we are the “primary educator of our children’s faith.” But…what if we don’t feel qualified to teach the Faith? What if our own formation was poor (or poorly received)? What then? And what if we are busy…can’t we just out source teaching the Faith to our parish or school.

Well, here’s the hard truth. No matte who you are, what your life looks like or what you’ve been through, YOU need to be the primary educator of your child’s faith. Why? Because you have access to your children in a way that no one else does or ever will. Because God intended that the Faith should be taught in the family.

But, don’t worry! We don't have all of the answers, but we do have some ideas. And we also are right there with you. We wonder all of the time, who am I to teach the Faith?

Rest assured friends, God knew what He was doing when He gave you these kids, and He will equip you to lead your Domestic Church.

Join us for a conversation about being the primary educator of our children’s Faith.

You remain in your prayers!

Nancy and Bill