Trump vs Acosta, Tucker Carlson, Thousand Oaks Shooting – Dom B Podcast 104


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Jim Acosta’s White House credentials have been revoked until further notice because of the way he conducted himself during a press conference held by Donald Trump. Trump repeatedly told Acosta to stop asking questions and when trying to mover on the next person for more questions, Jim Acosta, would not give up the microphone. Donald Trump seemed furious at Jim Acosta. Jim Acosta also pushed the arm of a White House Intern who was trying to retrieve the microphone from Jim Acosta. Did Donald Trump do the right thing? Was Jim Acosta wrong in the situation?


Tucker Carlson was alerted that his home was the target of an Antifa mob who decided to protest Tucker Carlson’s house. Tucker Carlson was not home at the time of the protest but his wife was. Tucker Carlson’s Wife called the cops and hid in a pantry until help arrived. I find this to display to be completely despicable. This has gone to far and I hope that we can pump the brakes on this mob mentality soon! Was the mob right to protest Tucker Carlson’s house?


A mass shooting has occurred in Thousand Oaks, California. The shooter Ian Long has taken the life of 12 innocent victims including a 29-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department, Sgt. Ron Helus. Ian Long used a .45 caliber handgun to carry out this massacre. Several others were injures trying to escape the gun fire.

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