Shooting in CHOP CHAZ Seattle – Dom B Podcast 162


The newly formed CHOP formally known as CHAZ, has had a few instances of crime. Just recently a 19-year-old male was shot and killed inside CHOP. Emergency Services couldn’t go straight to the injured person because of the barriers and protestors that line the parameter of CHOP. Unfortunately, the 19-year-old male did succumb to his wounds and passed. Had the EMS been able to arrive on the scene in a timely manner he might have made it. CHOP started as CHAZ after protestors who were protesting the murder of George Floyd took over the 7-block area in Downtown Seattle. The Mayor of Seattle will not intervene and allows this to continue. Donald Trump has threatened to step in but has yet to do so. I figure President Donald Trump is using CHOP or CHAZ as an example of what happens when Democrats run a city to the ground.


Do you agree with CHOP? DO you call it CHAZ or CHOP? Are the occupants of CHOP doing this for a noble cause? Does the Mayor of Seattle need to do something to put an end to CHAZ or CHOP?


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Shooting in CHOP CHAZ Seattle – Dom B Podcast 162

Shooting in CHOP CHAZ Seattle – Dom B Podcast 162

Shooting in CHOP CHAZ Seattle – Dom B Podcast 162