3 people in Illinois have died due to rat poison found in a synthetic blend of marijuana. This type of marijuana can be purchased at tobacco shops throughout a few states. Marijuana is still illegal at a federal level. However, we seem to be coming around with the legalization of marijuana.


Stan Lee was tweeted at by Kevin Smith. Stan Lee has been having some financial issues recently and people are pouring out the hearts to Stan Lee in solidarity. Stan Lee has denied some of the allegations but apparent close friends have reinforced the allegations of Stan Lee’s new “friends”. I truly hope Stan Lee is helped and can move past this storm if these allegations are true. Stan Lee is the GOAT!


Billy Mitchell… I’m not a fan and I explain why I do not like Billy Mitchell. Okay, I don’t explain why I hate Billy Mitchell but I do talk about him… and I do dislike Bill Mitchel. Let Billy Mitchell be my first public beef!


Have you heard of the Helical Orbit for our solar system? If not, I chat about the Helical Orbit and what it should mean to us. We live in a wonderful universe full of mysteries. Don’t let the Helical orbit model be one of those mysteries and watch this video for more explanation!


Helical Orbit Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvgaxQGPg7I

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