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Pete Davidson Apology, AI News Anchor, Super Earth – Dom B Podcast 106

Pete Davidson apologized for his comments regarding, Lt. Commander Dan Crenshaw. I would like to applaud Dan Crenshaw for how he handled this bad situation. We can all agree what Pete Davidson said about Dan Crenshaw’s eye was a horrible decision. Dan Crenshaw didn’t want and apology but good on Pete Davidson for owning up to his mistake and apologizing. Dan Crenshaw made a quick speech during the SNL skit that was message of unity and I loved it! Was this situation handled correctly by Dan Crenshaw? Do you forgive Pete Davison?


China’s Xinhua News Agency has released a video of their AI News Anchor. This AI news anchor is modeled after Zhang Zhao. The AI News Anchor isn’t “there” yet but it’s looking promising. Will the AI News Anchor be taking jobs of human News Anchors? Are you excited to see an AI News Anchor?


A Super Earth has been discovered in Bernard’s Star system. The newly discovered Super Earth is 6-lightyears away. With our current technology we will never reach the Super Earth but one can hope! Are you excited to see the new planet dubbed Super Earth?


Pete Davidson Apology, AI News Anchor, Super Earth – Dom B Podcast 106

Pete Davidson Apology, AI News Anchor, Super Earth – Dom B Podcast 106

Pete Davidson Apology, AI News Anchor, Super Earth – Dom B Podcast 106

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