PETA is claiming victory after Nabisco decided the change the Barnum’s Animals Crackers box. The Animal Cracker box used to depict animals being transported via wagon and the animal were caged. PETA felt like this was unacceptable and wrote a letter asking for Nabisco to change the box. Nabisco responded by changing the box which now shows the animals free of their cages. Is this a victory for PETA or a colossal waste of time?


Digital Model, Shudu, has been turning heads since her creation. London Photographer, Cameron-James Wilson, is the creator of the digital model. This is another turning point for the photography industry and I feel is another nail in the coffin of photography as an industry because of the ease and convenience of this. No longer do brands have to hire multiple people to create great content for their brands.


Hooters is closing more locations but luckily, Eric Adam Hovis, has some ideas to bless us with. I expnds in the link to his bio below. Where are we in society when some feel like Hooters could become a place of essentially hired listeners to tell your woes to? Do you like Hooters? What are your ideas for reviving Hooters as a franchise?


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