How many times a week should you love your partner in the. I read an article recently pretending to shed some light on this question. After reading some of the article I realized how useless it was. How many times a week do you love your partner? Did I skate around the issue of love and partners well enough?

A Woman has been charged with 9 counts of child endangerment in Mesquite Tx. Rebecca Anderson, the owner of Becky’s Child Care was allegedly caught on camera in the act of said charges. Anderson allegedly used Tylenol in hopes of keeping the kids quiet while at her facility. What are your thoughts in daycare? Do you use a daycare facility?

The FBI has just allowed the reopening of the Nation Solar Observatory in New Mexico. Speculation was red hot after the FBI closed down the observatory. Information was tough to find as to why the shutdown occurred. However, we can now discard the speculation as it was found that the FBI shutdown the observatory for a criminal investigation. Have you ever been to a solar observatory?