The interrogation video of the Parkland Shooter, Nikolas Cruz, has been released. In this video we see Nikolas talking about a “Demon voice”. Interrogation video also shows Nikolas sort of punching himself in the face once the man conducting the interrogation has left. Have you seen the Parkland Shooter interrogation video? What are your thoughts if the interrogation video?


Alex Jones has been kicked of many social media platforms after being labeled as hate speech. Alex Jones has said in the past that he believes the events that took place at Sandy Hook were faked. Do you feel Alex Jones deserves to be silenced on these platforms? Are you a fan of Alex Jones?


A herd of cows has helped police catch a fleeing criminal in Florida. After wreaking a supposed stolen vehicle, a Florida woman is seen running from the police as a herd of cows follows her through a field.


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