CHOP CHAZ Has Ended After Cops Finally Step In – Dom B Podcast 171


CHOP or CHAZ has finally ended after weeks of violence and destruction. CHOP started after the death of George Floyd. Violent protesters took over 7 block of downtown Seattle and named it CHAZ and now CHOP. There have been shootings and assault in CHOP. You would think that this would be enough for Seattle Mayor Durkan to shut CHOP down but CHOP remained even after its first few crimes. Recently two teenagers were shot in CHOP. The community has been ready for CHOP to end but Seattle’s Police were not allowed inside CHOP. The violent protesters even visited Seattle’s Mayor Durkan at her house. The violent protesters were asking Seattle’s Mayor Durkan to defund the police and resign. After these events Seattle’s Mayor Durkan finally asked Seattle’s Police to step in and remove CHOP from the downtown area.


Do you prefer CHOP or CHAZ? Did the Mayor of Seattle wait too long before she responded to CHOP? Should the violent protesters pay a price for taking over a section of Seattle?


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CHOP CHAZ Has Ended After Cops Finally Step In – Dom B Podcast 171

CHOP CHAZ Has Ended After Cops Finally Step In – Dom B Podcast 171

CHOP CHAZ Has Ended After Cops Finally Step In – Dom B Podcast 171