Boston Dynamics, Google AI, Star Death - Dom B Podcast 51


Boston Dynamics is in the news revealing some new robotic splendors. Boston Dynamics plans to sale it’s robot SpotMini to business next year. Boston Dynamic has 10 SpotMinis right now and plans to move that to over 100 by next year. Boston Dynamics says this SpotMini can be used for video surveillance among other things if the business wanted to add on later. Boston Dynamics also showed a video of the robot known as Atlas as he jogs through a grass field. Boston Dynamics hasn’t fissured out how to turn a profit with Atlas just yet but Boston Dynamics is still working on Atlas’ abilities.


Google AI is having some internal struggles as they plan to work with the Pentagon in developing an AI which will help in classifying people and objects via drone. The employees of Google’s AI division are against working with the US Government. Google AI has received many complaints from its employees and has also lost a dozen employees because of the controversy. Is Google AI going to set in motion something that will change militaristic history? Do you agree with Google AI staying its course and aiding in this new technology?


Our Sun is a star and eventually just like us… it while experience death… errr star death? In a few more billion years our closest star the Sun will start its death spiral and expand in size then shrinking to a white dwarf star. Where will can we hide from the star’s death?


Boston Dynamics, Google AI, Star Death - Dom B Podcast 51



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