Bill Cosby, has been sentenced and will serve 3 to 10 years in a PA Prison. Bill Cosby was found guilty for 3 counts of Sexual Assault against Andrea Constand. Bill Cosby was also reported to have been pelted by a stale hotdog bun. What do you think of Bill Cosby?


A Robot Brothel is going on it’s way to Houston Texas. The Mayor of Houston is against this Robot Brothel and hope to stop this Robot Brothel from coming to his city. There is also a petition with over 8,000 signatures against the Robot Brothel. Would you go to a Robot Brothel?


Mars Rover, Opportunity, seems to have performed its last task. A global dust storm on Mars seemed to cause the downfall of Opportunity. NASA is waiting 45 days before making any funeral arrangements for Opportunity. What are your favorite findings of Opportunity?