Bill Clinton is in hot water once again for his scandal 20+years ago with Monica Lewinski. Bill Clinton said he wont apologies to Lewinski. Clinton has stated he already has and also apologized to the whole world. While on the Today Show, Bill Clinton was asked if he would do anything differently and Bill Clinton replied no he would not. Should we focus on Bill Clinton and his 20+ year old scandals? Or do we have more pressing issues that need to be addressed?


A Florida woman was video recorded shaving her legs at a public pool. Who hasn’t had the urge for a leg have during an outing at the pool? I know I have. People swimming next to her while the leg shave was going on. Please, don’t shave your legs like this woman did, that’s it.


Also, in Florida, a 3-foot lemon shark took a bite out of someone for a catch and release. The shark bite occurred after the fisherman released the lemon shark. The lemon shark wasn’t happy about the whole ordeal and just took bite for his troubles. Have you lived through a shark bite?


It’s story time once again for you Doods! It involves an older gentleman, my wife, and hamburgers. Join me for story time at the end of the show!


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Bill Clinton, Leg Shave, Shark Bite, Story Time – Dom B Podcast 57

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