I chat with TJ about my experience with animal attacks. Have you been attacked by and animal? I have, if almost being chewed on by a couple of dogs is classified as animal attacks then… yes. Animal attacks happen to people all around the world and it hardly ends with a good outcome. Stay away from the any chance of animal attacks you will lose against most animals!

Scientist theorize that Octopus could actual be from an alien world and were sort of seeded on our planet by an icy comet. Have you seen an alien octopus? What would you do if you did see an alien octopus? The world is full of interesting things. I doubt this theory is cool but it’s fun to chat about! Have you heard of Water Bears aka Tardigrades? They are fascinating animals with remarkable abilities. I chat about Water Bears and share a few facts about them. Why can Water Bears survive in space for 10 days? Seems odd that a species evolved in such a way.

Organ printing will soon be a thing thanks to Oroganovo. This company is making huge strides in organ printing and expects to be human trial ready by 2020. Organ printing has been tested successfully on mice and Organovo feels they can soon have full organ printing. Currently the organ printing is limited to a dollar bill size but that will soon change
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Family Cheetah - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rS7hmPRDrA
Lion Opens Door - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeaztQK9If0
Alien Octopus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDW4IYVlbbw