Aliens… do you believe in them? How would you feel if we found intelligent aliens within our solar system? Would that opinion change if aliens found us first and landed her on Earth? I answer this with my buddy TJ. Aliens must exist…right?


Artificial Intelligence is coming and coming fast! We are surely not ready for Artificial Intelligence but that won’t slow the building of this tech.  Will artificial intelligence serve us or will we serve the artificial intelligence?


Japanese Engineers have created a robot car. This robot car can change from… well… a robot into a car. The robot car takes a little while transition from car to robot but it’s still a ROBOT CAR! Transformers, watch out!


Have you ever stolen over a million dollars worth of fajitas? Well there is a guy that has! He has been sentenced 50 years in prison for stealing the fajitas! Is that a bit much? Is it just fajitas?


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Aliens, Artificial Intelligence, Robot Car, Fajitas - Dom B Podcast 47

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