You're in for a treat with this episode. I know I was blown away when I heard Susan's story. Susan Lindner is a Cultural Anthropologist, brand marketer, and disruptor. Susan got her start as an AIDS educator in the brothels of Thailand, helping turn prostitutes into entrepreneurs.

Today, she's the founder of Emerging Media, a branding, PR, and marketing agency dedicated to helping tech founders reach their finish lines. Her award-winning strategies have gotten ten companies acquired, and she is now hell-bent on sharing them with the world.

Susan speaks to startups, innovators, and top executives from 60+ countries at GE, PWC, Deutsche Bank, Capital One, and at global conferences, consulates, and trade organizations about strategic storytelling, mastering the message and the media for maximum impact. Tune in to hear Susan's story of championing for others and stepping into her power.

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