Yup, I lost a couple grand following the money. It seemed like an easy thing at the time. Just promote the other website and get $1,000 commission. Do it twice and I'm even. Do it more and you're in the black.

Well, I'm still in the red on that one. Color me a sucker. That's what I was.

I'm now on a mission to follow my purpose, and my primary purpose in life is to help others grow and share their wisdom with the world.

I guess we could call that Wisdom-trading. We are wisdom-traders with the world. As we share and follow our own purpose and help others. money will find us.

it's not a magic money belt. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It's not even a get rich slow scheme. It's not a scheme at all. Money will follow in it's own time. Focus on your purpose and you will find ways to make money by helping others through your purpose. 

Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book. 


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