This is the 6th habit in the “20 Habits of Success” series

Is there any chance you might have a bad habit or two?

Everybody probably does.

What if those bad habits are keeping you from being more successful?

Currently, the worst bad habit that I can identify with is getting caught in the black hole of media videos…

 I watch just one that may even be relevant to my writing or research.

The next one is right there waiting for you to click on it… and I do.

Next thing I know, 30 minutes has passed and I’m still watching “Fail Army” or “People are Awesome.”

The result of this bad habit is wasted time. I don’t have any time to waste. Neither do you.

I want you to memorize a definition… a definition for the word “Habit.”

You’re not going to find this definition in any dictionary or even in popular books written specifically about habits.

Here it is:

Habits are a conscious, daily activity you’ve chosen not to live without.

3 Elements…

#1 Conscious... You’re aware of the action

#2 Daily Activity... You do it everyday.

#3 You’ve chosen not to live without.... Your voluntary decision

What daily habits are you conscious of that may be hurting your growth? 

Too much TV?

Fantasy Football Fanatic?

Too much sugar intake?

No exercise?

If habits are something you are conscious of, that means you can chose to stop doing them.

Habits are hard to break… especially bad habits.

The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to replace it with a good habit. Work the good habit and then reward yourself for the victory.

I’m currently working on a concept called...

DRIP Theory

One drop in the bucket on a regular basis and over time, the bucket is full.

The drops must be regular.

A drop of water in a bucket once a week accumulates nothing due to evaporation or a thirsty dog. Single drops daily, guarded well will eventually fill the bucket.

Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.    Websites:  Facebook:  Facebook Page:  Twitter:  Instagram:  Google Plus: LinkedIn:

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