The story is told of a young man who wanted desperately to become a success in business. He sought out a mentor to teach him the secrets of success and became aware on a retired businessman living a very comfortable life on the coast. He approached this man and presented his case. The old man refused to mentor him and walked away.

Every day, the young man would seek him out as he went for coffee or even a walk along the beach. The young man persisted to the point of true annoyance, bordering on stalking and disturbance.

Finally, the old man consented. “Meet me here on the beach tomorrow morning at 6:00am. Don’t be late or I won’t help you at all.”

The next morning the old man went to the beach for his morning walk and the young man was waiting there for him, dressed in a suit and ready to learn the secrets of being a successful businessman. The old man grabbed him by the collar and began pulling him out into the water. The young man resisted but the older man had caught him by surprise and was dragged into the water, ruining his suit. When the old man finally let go of his collar they were waist high in the ocean. The old man grabbed his hair and pushed him under the waves and held him there with all his might. The young man struggled and fought as he was drowning. Finally breaking free, the young man rose above the water and gasped for breath. Without hesitation the old man grabbed him by the hair again and dunked him under. The young man fought as before and broke free to rise once again. This time he backed away from the old man, so he wouldn’t be grabbed again, screaming at him, “What are you doing? Are you trying to kill me? I could have drowned right here. Are you crazy?”

The old man looked him in the eye and said, “When you are desperate enough for success as you are were for air when you I help you under water, then nothing will stop you from being successful as a businessman and in life. Unless you are that desperate, you will never succeed.”

Lesson over.

Just about everybody wants to be successful in life in whatever you choose. Nobody strives for mediocrity. Nobody determines to be average. Too many people want to be like everybody else and in doing so, settle for average and nothing more.

See yourself five years from now. Do you want to be in the same place as you are now? Are you so comfortable and satisfied right now that being in the same place in five years is Ok?

There is no desperation when you experience temporary satisfaction. Like a single gasp of breath, you’re satisfied, but then you get dunked again.

Learn to keep fighting, moving forward, regardless of the initial success you may have. Remember, you’re just getting started.

WARNING: Right now, you may see yourself as being desperate in five years if you don’t do something now. But the procrastinator in us all wants to convince us that you can wait 1, 2, even 3 years before getting started and making changes. You sit back and wait because waiting is easy. Starting next week or next year is easy.

Others want to get started right away and plan, plan, plan. They are very comfortable planning. Planning is great but sooner or later you have to work, work, work. Plans without a start date are wasted time and effort.

The first part of every great plan needs to be a start date.

Stay desperate at the start. Stay desperate as you succeed. Stay desperate until you know you’ve reached the definition of success that you strive for. Then, be desperate enough to stay there.

Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.    Websites:  Facebook:  Facebook Page:  Twitter:  Instagram:  Google Plus: LinkedIn:

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