Fear has a way of creeping into your gut and growing.  

The easiest way to get rid of the fear is to become a dangler.  A dangler is a person who chooses to sit comfortably on the side of pool and leisurely dip ther feet in the pool.  

Danglers are safe, comfortable and idle.  Fear has no reason to grow in a dangler.

Doers are the ones who get in line and climb the ladders to the 10-meter tower.  Doers are the ones who realize fear grows the higher they climb and the closer they get to the edge.  Doers are the ones who get weak in the knees but choose to keep on standing.  Doers are the ones who jump, make big splashes, risk getting hurt and then do it again.

Doers have fear and they face it, challenge it and overcome it.

Danglers... well, danglers dangle.  They spectate.  They talk about the others and how well or poorly they jumped.  They can't talk about their own jump because they never did.

This story is outlined in the book "Conquer What's Next."  Grab a copy at amzn.to/2HBZ6s8