Previous Episode: DSD-003 Plan Your Mornings

“Comparison is a thug that robs your joy.  But it’s even more than that – Comparison makes you a thug who beats down somebody – or your own soul.”   Ann Voskamp

I’ve started going to a gym.  Yes, a gym where massive amounts of people go to become better physically.  They’re there for rehab, personal goals, cardio, meet people, Zumba, working out on lots of really expensive equipment none of us could afford on our own, prepping for a race or some other form of competition.  As soon as you walk into a place like that, you automatically begin to compare.  It’s hard not to.

I get on the treadmill and set it for 3.0.  It’s a number, not a speed.  Off I go.  Within minutes a younger guy steps on the treadmill to my left.  He, also, sets his treadmill for 3.0.  The difference is, I’m “running” and he’s walking, warming up.  About three minutes later he doubles his speed and adds an incline to his run.   

Not much later, a woman gets on the treadmill to my right.  I couldn’t get a look at her number, but it appeared she was at about the same pace as me.  However, her pace changed dramatically.  She began sprinting.  Then back to a jog.  The sprinting again.  Jog.  Sprint.  She was doing intervals.

Essential Learning Points

You have to be clear why you’re doing something before you even go. You must be focused on your own goals and no one else’s. You have to be willing to stick to your plan day after day. You are only allowed one comparison: You today compared to you yesterday.  That’s it.  What gets measured gets mastered.

Important Links & Mentions from This Episode

MyFitnessPal App (by UnderArmor) Gyroscope App Boldly Plan and Execute Your Next Big Challenge 14 Rules for Living Each Day on Purpose


Here are the first 3 episodes, just in case you missed one of them

001 The Premier Episode 002 Pullers, Pushers or Prodders 003 Making the Morning Flight

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