“You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”   John Maxwell

Have you ever felt like you didn’t have control of your own life?  Well, that’s gotta change.

I was desperate to get beyond my own circumstances.  Curled up on the floor in a corner of the living room, crying uncontrollably and unable to see any future.

This was me, not that long ago.  What got me past that moment was a simple phrase, “One More Day” 

I kept going. One day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time, but I kept going. I became solution-focused instead of situation-focused.
It’s important to know where you are.  Just don’t build your house there. The solution led me discovering a new purpose in my life.
Purpose pointed me toward goals worth reaching.
Conquering goals led me to the power of daily habits that have re-shaped my own life.

Clay and fingerprints... Everybody wants to get their hands in your lump of clay.  Be selective.

Choose whose fingerprints and hands get to be in your lump of clay.

Since then, I’ve written a book, have a second one coming out in May, I’m a speaker, blogger, and podcaster.

Every episode is dedicated to the idea of exploring, adapting and adopting daily habits that shape your life. 

It would be amazing if you’d drop by this iTunes podcast and give this episode the rating you feel it deserves.  Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

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It’s important to know where you are. Just don’t build your house there. Become solution-focused instead of situation-focused. What you choose to do daily is what will shape your future.

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