As promised last week, we’re kicking off 2020 with a bang! Disruption is our January theme, and wowie do we have a lot to say on this! As Kelly and Lara reflected on past D(g)B episodes, they realized that most of their guests are disruptors for good. D(g)B has featured: Nolan Painting, Back to Earth Compost Crew, Dr. Kristen Donnelly  as well as consultants helping business leaders transform: LaKita Williams, Katie Wright, Jennifer Brown, Jamila Medley, Mory Fontanez 

This episode notes some other disruptors you may have heard of: Interface Carpet, Cascade Engineering, Seventh Generation as Kelly & Lara realize more and more, that companies not doing good business are being left behind.

Other worthy disruptions:

Kindness as a disruptor 

Responding versus reacting as a leader  - power of the Pause, Tara Brach Radical Acceptance

 Inc. article on innovation with quotes from Jerry Seinfeld (“What am I sick of?”) 

Maddock Douglas (“Embrace the hate to innovate)

Defining a New Leadership Model – Leith Sharp