You guys! Doing (good) Business has released 31 episodes! That's 1 episode per week since October 2018. We are thrilled with the reception we've gotten and can't wait to do more. 

Walking our talk is a top priority for us, and to make the podcast sustainable, we decided to move to a season format. That means you have the whole summer to catch up on the 31 awesome episodes from Season 1! 

We'll be back in your podcast feed on Monday August 19th with Season 2 - we'll have all new episodes, a new bi-weekly format, more actionable steps to take between episodes, and more great information on how you can do good business!

Thank you for all of your support and for making our first season such a success.  Please share this podcast with your friends, rate & review us on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcast, and don't be shy! Drop us a line over the summer on our website, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter

See you in August!

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