We revisit some old friends as we try to make sense of the whirlwind week Halifax city council had. Finally we talk about wrestling. 


We read emails written by children/real journalists dug into city council emails/we give too much context/Cleary won’t say marijuana but Whitman will say a racial slur from the 1950s/Chris discusses Whitman’s twitter style/Whitman goes on the news and says the slur/should the right opportunists at Dog Island have deleted Chris's good tweet?/politicians are unbelievably dumb/Peter Kelly is the monorail man from the Simpsons/we're going to become ward bosses/Michael Smith is a wiener/university's shouldn't police students political and social lives/where are the campus free speech warriors?/Jinder and Jagmeet/we didn't fix it in post/shout outs and send us your stuff.

The FOIPOPed emails: https://www.thecoast.ca/halifax/david-hendsbee-surprised-halifax-didnt-use-a-red-tarp-to-cover-cornwallis-statue/Content?oid=10335984

The Black Power Hour: https://www.ckdu.ca/shows/227

Tim Horton's Presents Unique Canadian Podcasting Presents News U Can Use: https://soundcloud.com/user-112754787