Next Episode: Episode 4: Dalkirk

Actual journalist Katie Toth joins us to talk about Jagmeet Singh being a winner, Sidney Crosby being a loser, and the never ending saga of Lorne Grabher.

Follow Katie on twitter at and read her Halifax Examiner piece on the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom (it's behind a paywall).


We introduce Katie/thank Dylan Chew/Graeme went to a party that he thought was weird but we all thought was nice/should we start streaming on twitch?/Hugh Hefner fucked some dynamite/Sidney Crosby is rich, bad and refuses to pick a side/Cole Harbour: is it mostly racists or entirely racist?/hockey is already political/Crosby is a victim of brutal harassment/why won't Crosby read a book?/we're driving the Lindell Wiggington bandwagon/Grabher license plate catastrophe/the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom/more dumb license plates/the right's limited understanding of free speech/mis-translation of American ideas into a Canadian context/new contest!/Jagmeet Singh won and we don't know what that means/we don't accept racism we organize against it/the limits of political parties.

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