<p>Last Meta Monday, I just realized I don&#8217;t know if I talked about Pride&#8230;. we went to Pride yesterday too. Oh well, enjoy a longer one here where I talk about the other shows, AI art, and what this value &#8230; <a href="http://nimlas.org/blog/nuttybites/meta-monday-nutty-bites-ddop-2023-4/">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&#8594;</span></a></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="http://nimlas.org/blog/nuttybites/meta-monday-nutty-bites-ddop-2023-4/">Meta Monday &#8211; Nutty Bites DDoP 2023</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="http://nimlas.org/blog">NIMLAS Studios</a>.</p>