As Mill Creek Entertainment prepares to release Eureka on Blu-Ra, we are joined by series cast member, Neil Grayston! Neil discusses his thoughts on the final season of the series, and talks about the changes that his character, Douglas Fargo, has gone through over the past five seasons. He also teases us on his upcoming movies, 'The End of the World'! This week's Prediction Network looks at Disney's plan to release Mulan on Disney + for an additional fee of $30.00 We also discuss Dwayne the Rock Johnson purchasing the XFL In this week's RETROPODTASTIC segment, we discuss Fast Times and Ridgemont High! Jacob has just seen it for the first time! To hear more of Jacob, please visit his YouTube channel:   Special thanks to our patrons William La Bruna, Shawn Fisher, Martin Collins, Todd, Liza W. Rudolph, Jim Simon, Bill Greenan, Melissa Bartell, the Bathtub Mermaid, Joey Hockeypuck, Joey Baseball, Chris Fiore, Rick Weaver and also Water Tower Cinema! To support the show, please go to Patrons receive early access to the raw and unedited VIDEO FEED of each podcast recording. Help Support MegaPodTastic by buying a MegaPodTastic T-Shirt or some other MegaPodTastic merchandise! Please become a fan of MegaPodTastic on Facebook, and subscribe to us on I-Tunes. Please send your comments to us at [email protected] or give us a review on I-Tunes. MegaPodTastic has a voicemail line! Call us at 610-624-1985. Give us a call...maybe you'll be on the next episode! Keep on wearing those pajamas!!