Previous Episode: The Power of Data

Information Governance and ECM with guest Pricilla Emery.

According to IBM, 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone.  About around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is created everyday — everything from documents and records, to email, text messages, social media, images, video…and everything in between. As a result, many organizations are easily amassing terabytes—even petabytes—of information. All of it admissible in a court of law. Indeed, this information can often be the “smoking gun” that trial lawyers look for win the case or force a settlement.

Priscilla Emery

Our guest, Priscilla Emery, a respected ECM expert focused on records management, will discuss information governance,  discovery and audits…and how companies must adjust their document strategies in order to mitigate legal and regulatory risk. How can you manage the convergence of traditional records management with the ever-evolving content management demands for e-mail, social media and Cloud-based documents?  What steps should you take today to ensure your information governance and document strategies are prepared? All of this and more in this month’s episode.

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