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This episode we watched the award winning "Man on Wire," which follows the perpetually childlike and eccentric frenchman Philippe Petit, who decides he really needs to walk on a wire between the twin towers. Chase and I talked a lot of trash in this one, but it was a ton of fun and well worth a watch with or without the commentary but obviously watch it with the commentary, thanksmanonwire.mp3File Size:68738 kbFile Type:mp3Download File [...]

This episode we watched the award winning "Man on Wire," which follows the perpetually childlike and eccentric frenchman Philippe Petit, who decides he really needs to walk on a wire between the twin towers. Chase and I talked a lot of trash in this one, but it was a ton of fun and well worth a watch with or without the commentary but obviously watch it with the commentary, thanks
manonwire.mp3File Size:68738 kbFile Type:mp3Download File