Documentary starts at 14:36This episode we watched "Casting JonBenet" and were both embarrassed to admit we didn't understand what the documentary was about until about 3/4 of the way through. It's actually a great doc about people from the town JonBenet grew up in and the different ways that people interpreted the murder. Also they get kids to smash melons with a hammer. Loads of fun! Enjoy! castingjonbenet.mp3File Size: 64498 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

Documentary starts at 14:36

This episode we watched "Casting JonBenet" and were both embarrassed to admit we didn't understand what the documentary was about until about 3/4 of the way through. It's actually a great doc about people from the town JonBenet grew up in and the different ways that people interpreted the murder. Also they get kids to smash melons with a hammer. Loads of fun! Enjoy!
castingjonbenet.mp3File Size: 64498 kbFile Type: mp3Download File