In this episode, join Dr. Lucy McBride as we unravel the intricate tapestry of what true health entails. She is the host of the podcast “Beyond the Prescription,” where she brings on guests ranging from musicians to politicians, discussing how their life challenges allowed them to view holistic health differently. She shares her personal motivation behind creating the podcast and the health challenges she faced as a young adult. Dr. McBride is currently a practicing primary care physician based in D.C.

Follow us on Twitter @doctorscreate to hear more from creative
doctors! This episode was hosted and edited by David Park. Music for
this episode is credited to Nightfloat.


(01:28) Origins of “Beyond the Prescription” podcast

(06:13) Writing a newsletter “Are You Okay?”

(10:16) Problems with the current primary care doctor

(16:37) Conversations you should have with your primary care doctor

(19:21) Getting from intention to execution

(23:22) A teenage girl’s problems

(26:17) Managing stress in college   

(31:12) Normalizing the human condition