Previous Episode: Episode 253 : Topic Roulette

Welcome to Doctor 3 a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to giving you explosive growth in 

climbing the standard ranked ladder. Hosted by Katrina, dragonrider, and sendmeyourarms (smarms).


Last week's poll question:

How are you currently enjoying the Hearthstone meta? 18 votes

Love it! 22.2%
Meh 61.1%
Not enjoying it 16.7%

MyLordChaosHS - Glad the meta is fairly balanced compared to last month, but I can't say I'm eager to jump in until the next balance patch or expansion hits.

Discord 5 votes:

Love it! 20%
Meh 60%
Not enjoying it 20%



Patch 29.6 released Expansion pre-orders available
Genn & Baku back in Standard/Wild until the expansion comes out on July 23
Midsummer Fire Festival from June 25 - July 16. Can earn 6 Whizbang packs and the Reaver V-07-TR-0N Rogue Hero Skin
9 more heroes being added to Twist for July season - all revealed 
MMR changes
Passive XP changes
Big Battlegrounds Changes - buddies back

Announced next Masters Tour - August 16-19June & July ladder are the qualifying seasons
4 top point earners from each region (America, EU, Asia)
4 top total point earners after first 12 players are determined, regardless of the region


Main Topic

Tourist Keyword/Mechanic
New cards!


Next Poll Question

What rating would you give the Tourist mechanic?

8-10 seems interesting!

4-7 not sure on it

1-3 boring/confusing


*We’ll talk about the results on next week’s show*

*And speaking of the show, you can find us:*


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