Welcome to Doctor 3, a Hearthstone podcast dedicated to giving you explosive growth in 

climbing the standard ranked ladder. Hosted by Katrina, dragonrider, and Smarms.


Mini-Podcast in a Podcast?

Last week's Poll Question



Patch 28.4.1 launched yesterday, Monday Jan 29th bringing changes to standard, BGs, arena offering adjustments and bug fixes https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24046220/28-4-1-patch-notes We’ll discuss standard changes in main topic
Pyrotechnician is no longer banned in Standard.
The Lunar New Year event started today and runs from January 30 to February 13, complete event quests to earn event XP on the special event rewards track. Complete the rewards track to earn 6 Signature Cards (2x Kobold Miner, 2x Walking Mountain, and 2x Howdyfin), the Lantern Stringer Galewing Battlegrounds Hero Skin, and the Dragon Dance Celeste Hearthstone Hero Skin!

Twist returns this week, starting February 1st with a commons and rares ONLY format!

Main Topic

Standard balance changes

Velarok the Deceiver (2nd half of the card) from a 3/6 to a 3/3
Shattershambler now just kills the next Deathrattle immediately when its played and doesn’t discount the next Deathrattle minion by 1
Cactus Construct now summons a 1/1 version of the chosen minion instead of a 1/2 
Herald of Nature now only buffs +1/+1 instead of +1/+2
Pendant of Earth now restores Health to your hero equal to the cost of the discovered minion instead of gaining armor equal to the cost.
Shattered Reflections no longer adds a copy of the chosen minion to your hand, it just adds it to the battlefield and deck
Dew Process from 2 mana up to 4 mana
Boogie Down from 3 mana up to 4 mana and the finale now summons another 1-cost minion instead of giving the summoned minions taunt.
The Garden’s Grace now gives Divine shield and +4/+4 instead of +5/+5
Thaddius, Monstrosity now has your odd-cost or even-cost cards costing 2 less instead of 4 less.

Thoughts of impact on meta/decks


Next Poll Question

What rank are you ending in STANDARD for Jan 2024?Legend
Diamond Ranks
Platinum Ranks
Gold/Silver Ranks

*We’ll talk about the results on next week’s show*

*And speaking of the show, you can find us:*


Doctor 3 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Doctor3HS

Email us: [email protected]

Discord - https://discord.com/invite/qY8SxKJ


Kat - https://twitter.com/Alkaline_Kat, https://www.twitch.tv/AlkalineKat

Dragon - https://twitter.com/dawniedk , https://www.twitch.tv/dragonriderTCCG

Smarms - https://twitter.com/sendmeyourarms https://www.twitch.tv/sendmeyourarms & Blizzlet podcast


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