DragonRider leads the discussion on Mindset and bringing vision to what you do inside hearthstone! 

Two new hero portrait bundles available in the shop


Old Guardian ranks Kazakusan treasures for HS Top Decks


HSReply ranks the Top 5 Kazakusan treasures


LambySeries, xBlyzes and Frozen get week 1 wins in Grandmasters


Community Clash. There are 4 different time slots of qualifiers on the Saturday, with the top 2 winners from each playing in an 8 player tournament on Sunday for a $1500 prize pool, and the winner gets an invite to the next MT. Casting by dragonrider, den & dollabilz https://battlefy.com/dreamhack-community-clash 

Athlete’s Mindset - article written by Author, Fighter, and Trainer Simon Boulter talking about 12 Mental Skills of Highly Successful Athletes https://medium.com/@thesimonboulter/12-mental-skills-qualities-of-highly-successful-athletes-ef999978c428 

Where can we find you?

Doctor 3 Twitter: @Doctor3HS

Email us: [email protected]

Discord - Top pinned tweet

DaringAlkaline - @daringAlkaline on twitter, twitch.tv/DaringAlkaline

Dragon - @dawniedk on twitter, twitch.tv/dragonriderdk 

Mage - @mageadeath Phases of the Moon Knight podcast (@phasesofmk) / Twitter


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