This weird and froggy episode may not have landed perfectly for all of us, but we find a lot to say. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Lizbeth as we dive through the looking glass and into Norway. There's a lot to cover, but really, it's all about the sandwich.

What did you think of this one? Let us know in the comments!


Happy things:

Liz is doing a commentary on Dr. Who and the Daleks for Hammer House of Podcast! acquired two new Eaglemoss figurines: an Ice Warrior and Koquillion! Erika got to watch Doctor Who with an enthusiastic, but very well-behaved girl gang! Kat spotted some amazing Kerblam! fanart by daisydandy! Deb looks forward to a knitting pattern inspired by the 13th Doctor's New Year's ep scarf! will be creating felt ornaments from the Doctor Who Pattern Book!

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